Sunday, March 30, 2008

Plants are beautiful!

Well, I feel like I've accomplished something worthwhile today! We planted a bunch of new plants in pots in front of our apartment. In addition to our 8 tomato plants, we have 3 strawberries, two catnip, one pepper plant, some lemon balm, some chamomile and some pretty geraniums (picked out by my 4 year old son :D). I might plant some lettuce, too, since we have a bit more space out there.

Also, we've treated our poor pitiful looking tomato plants for their aphid infestation and picked off the dead leaves. They're a sad sight to behold. On the other hand, our removal of the dead leaves revealed four fairly good sized green tomatoes one one of them. I'm hoping our plants survive the shock of all those aphids and resume thriving.

Weightwise, I'm down by about 6 pounds now! Yay! Adding the elliptical machine really helped things out. I'm going to continue my exercise and work on healthier choices for food (I have to see how long it takes for tomatoes to mature! Those are tasty tomatoes and are definitely healthy eating!) to continue the weight loss trend.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ouchie, ouchie, ouchie!!!

Ok, I asked for this, I know I did. I asked my sister, the marine, how to get into shape, intending it to be for DH's benefit. Then, I decided I couldn't ask him to do something without doing it myself. Now I'm stuck. And in pain. Ouch!

Ok, here's what I'm doing:

First I tested to see how many sit ups and push ups I could do in a minute. 15 and 28 (girlie) respectively (my DH got 22 and 23). Now, I pyramid push ups and sit ups and work it into my daily yoga routine.

So, I warm-up. Then I do pushups (18 pushups, 10 sec rest, 23 pushups, 10 sec rest, 28 pushups, 10 sec rest, 23 pushups, 10 sec rest, 18 push ups). Then I do my main yoga routine, which seems to have gotten much harder in the past 3 days since I started on Tuesday, btw. Then I pyramid my sit ups the same way, but with 5, 10, and 15 being the groupings of sit ups.

Let's just say, this is either going to kill me or strengthen me up really quickly.

Oh, and thank the gods (or Mozilla) for the spell checker built into SeaMonkey, because I apparently can't spell after one of these tortuous workouts. My stomach hurts! My ribs and arms hurt! And I can't even say I didn't ask for it, because I did! I've also gone up 1.5 pounds in the past 3 days. I weighed myself on Sunday and I weighed in at (sigh) 243. Now I weigh in at 244.5. Hopefully, that's muscle. I hope.

Did I mention OUCHIE!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

New haircut

Just got my hair cut today. I lost about a foot of hair. It feels much lighter now, and I keep telling myself that if it stinks and I just haven't realized it yet, hair grows! I told the hairdresser that she'd just cut off a year and a half of hair growth and she seemed rather surprised.

Potty training continues slowly for my 20 month old daughter. If only her father and my mom would pitch in when they're watching her.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Bleck! Being sick sucks!

Well, we've all been sick here, lately. We got this nasty intestinal bug that did horrid things to all of us. I seem to have gotten over it faster than everyone else, but that's normal. Kk and Riley got over it pretty quickly, too. Jim got it the worst. We seem to all be over the worst of it, though. Yay.

Friday, January 4, 2008


Well, this is my first blog. I'm kind of experimenting with it right now. Would you believe I had to be shown this at work before I really considered doing one for myself? Sad, I know. I don't know how often I'll be updating this, but I'll try to aim for at least once a month.